Our Mission

Since 2006, Thamarai Community Education Projects have provided educational services in the most marginalized sections of the villages next to the international township of Auroville in Tamil Nadu, India. Our current projects support children and youth from these villages, through after-school projects for around 90 children. In addition, regular health care and well-being programs are provided at local schools and at work units/village centres for adults with a vision to promote health and well being for all.
Over the years, Thamarai has worked to counter low literacy and income levels. We also work on social issues such as health and addiction – a major problem, leading to other difficulties such as debt, domestic abuse and children discontinuing education due to lack of finances. Academically, many parents are challenged with low literacy rates, they send their children for homework support, we aspire to respond to their needs as effectively as possibly using technology and extra curricular activities to continually enrich programs.
Access to educational resources and opportunities change lives. Our after-school project supports children and youth with their academics as well as personal growth. Programs include English classes, digital literacy, leadership, arts and health activities along with homework support under the guidance of volunteer facilitators. Our well being programs empower people to be more informed about their health and to adopt life enhancing practices. RTL leadership programs develop agency in people and the ability to design and implement projects that support improving their own lives and the full potential of their community.
Long-Term Impact
Our projects have been running for the past 18 years. The children who once attended our after-school projects are now college graduates and back as volunteer youth facilitators on the current Thamarai programs. The health programs have and will continue to improve the conditions of the villages as people become informed about health and well being. The programs help to reduce alcohol consumption and instead focus on building agency, community development and education.

Christmas Holiday Camp
Magic Show with Juergen on Christmas-Eve! German volunteer Oscar invite Magic-man Juergen to perform a show for the Thamarai students and community. It was a non stop extravaganza of magic with the audience laughing throughout and excited to find out how Juergen created the tricks. […]

Telling compelling stories with Action-Cams, Smartphones and Tabs
Manu Bahuguna has brought his skills of commercial filmmaking to support youth with career opportunities beyond convention with a film making and communications course with the aims of 1) providing life-skills to young people to take-up film making as a profession or use it as an […]

Lucie and Manya’s time in Thamarai
Lucie and Manya volunteered at Thamarai as part of a program by the American University of Paris, through their sustainable development practicum. Manya is a child of Auroville, studying in Last School, and was given the opportunity to participate in the university program in her […]

General Health Program Update from Carla
A key aspect that has been evolving in our work supporting and enhancing the health and wellbeing of our students is a shift towards a more holistic and individualised approach; we are more intentionally considering the substantial range of factors that can impact and signal […]

Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) Evaluation Day
We also continue with our quarterly visits for basic medical and special needs evaluation of the PIMS Paediatric team and Child Guidance & Rehabilitation Unit (with psychologist Dr Shanthi), led by Dr Peter. Our last evaluation day on 13 October was a great success, seeing […]

Update on Thamarai Health & Wellbeing Programs
Supporting sufficient nutrient intake via our After-school Snacks Program: We continue to focus on broadening and improving the nutritional range and density of our After-school Snacks Program. The varied and nutritionally comprehensive snack we provide each day can help contribute towards meeting the nutritional requirements […]