“We started our journey at 6 in the morning…”
We started our journey at 6 in the morning, picked up the bicycles from SAIIER Transport then started to cycle in a line formation of one child after another.
The children cycled very energetically and followed a certain protocol while cycling :
– To stop : the first child would rise his hand then the next child would follow the sign and stop on spot.
– to turn : the first of the line needed to show their hand on the side of the direction so the child behind knew he needed to turn that way.
The Kazhuveli Bird’s Sanctuary
We reached our destination, Kazhuveli Bird’s Sanctuary. It is an area of 5151.60 hectare in total and it includes 16 villages. Children learned what variety of birds come here and how far they fly to reach this place, and much more interesting information.

We finished breakfast there and then each child collected 100 seeds of drought resistant trees from Kazhuveli. After that, we cycled to the Universal Eco Foundation to learn how they collect the details of each birds. The teacher also explained the history of that lake using maps. The children had many questions for the teacher : which snakes are poisonous? how can we protect ourselves from them? We then finished our lunch and started our journey back to Auroville to reached here at 4.30 in the evening and all the children went home happy from their journey.