A monthly meeting for the residents of Annai Nagar
A walk-in Wellbeing morning is being held monthly in the Thamarai building in Annai Nagar village, in collaboration with natural and traditional therapists and healthcare providers from within Auroville.
We have been offering primary health checks (including blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose level), naturopathy, homoeopathy, yoga therapy, mental health and addiction counselling, and craniosacral therapy.
Future events will also potentially include hypnotherapy and acupuncture.
Health advice is practised throughout the month with a return again the following month for review. We are so far finding a very good response from the elderly village residents, those who are not able to so easily seek treatment outside the village.
A wellbeing morning to Identify health issues
The main issues we are identifying in general are high rates of diabetes (high blood glucose levels on testing as well as already diagnosed and medicated diabetes), stress/ tension and many reports of acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Recent anaemic checks report 57% of children and 71% of young adults reported positive for anaemia.

Enriching our health program
In the early new year, we will commence health and nutrition awareness classes for families and boost our nutrition in after-school snack program.